What Do You Want to Be When You “Grow Up”?

About 3 years ago my Mom asked me a question “isn’t there someone you can talk to about what you want to be when you grow up?”.  That question, although a little tongue and cheek, was just the right question I needed to be asked…because who to...

Stop Running Hot & Cold

Currently the weather here in New England is a lot like the Katy Perry song “it’s hot then it’s cold”, you never know what to wear or how the day is going to turn out. It’s funny how sometimes the weather is a lot like business…do...

3 Ways to Share Files with your Team

When a new consultant joins your team you want to help them get off to a strong start.  As a result you may have put together several documents and files that help to educate them on your products and company along with information on booking, recruiting and selling....

The Satisfaction of a Goal

  I had a goal; it was a big and scary but awesome goal.  A few years ago I set out on my journey to make my goal a reality.  It was a long journey with ups and downs, and many moments that out of fear or disappointment or desperation that I almost quit it but, I...

5 Steps to Coaching Success!

“Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen.  The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.” ~Vince Lombardi Being a great coach is about motivating and encouraging your players (in our case, host/hostesses and new...