What Do You Want to Be When You “Grow Up”?

About 3 years ago my Mom asked me a question “isn’t there someone you can talk to about what you want to be when you grow up?”.  That question, although a little tongue and cheek, was just the right question I needed to be asked…because who to...

It’s Not Just for Newsletters

When you think about email marketing, most likely the first thing that comes to mind are “newsletters” but if that is the only way you are using your email marketing service then you are missing out on a way to keep in touch in a more effective and focused...

Stop Running Hot & Cold

Currently the weather here in New England is a lot like the Katy Perry song “it’s hot then it’s cold”, you never know what to wear or how the day is going to turn out. It’s funny how sometimes the weather is a lot like business…do...

Sharing with Superstars

I’ve been making a point to network locally more.  Being a “Virtual” assistant it’s easy to end up only networking via Social Media, but I’ve discovered there is a wonderful world of women entrepreneurs right here in my own hometown (need...

Share Direct Sales with your Children

Growing up my parents were small business owners, and when they sold their business my Mom started a career in Direct Sales.  As you work at growing your Direct Sales business, while also raising children, you may worry what affect that may have on them?  Let me share...