Put Me in Coach…

I’m ready to play…today! Do you know the importance of a good coach?  Or if you haven’t played sports, you may have experienced the difference a good teacher can make on your grades. In college my first math professor was not very good, we were often...

Spring is in the Air!

I live in New England, and one of the many things I love about living here are the four seasons, especially the change from winter to spring!  Such a refreshing time of the year, out with the drab, cold, dreariness of winter and in with the blossoming buds, fresh...

Allow me to introduce…

Thank you all so VERY much for your wonderful suggestions for The Golden Rule Bee!  It wasn’t an easy choice, but I thank Kim for her thoughtful name suggestion on my Facebook page: “Blossom the Bee. Without the flowers the pollination function of the Bee...

What Does The Golden Rule VA Mean Anyways?

“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” Matthew 7:12 As a child I can remember being taught how important it was to treat others the way you wanted to be treated.  Be fair and kind, as you would want your friends to be to you.   As a Mom...

The Reason You Started Your Direct Sales Business…

Chances are you made the decision to start your Direct Sales Business because you wanted… Extra money Loved the products Flexibility Freedom Prizes Recognition Parties Girls night out Travel Friendship FUN! These are just some of the countless reasons why you...