Stop Running Hot & Cold

Currently the weather here in New England is a lot like the Katy Perry song “it’s hot then it’s cold”, you never know what to wear or how the day is going to turn out. It’s funny how sometimes the weather is a lot like business…do...

What’s Your Superstar Vision for 2013?

It’s been a very long time since we’ve stayed up till midnight to watch the ball drop, in general I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, and to be honest I never really got all that excited ringing in a New Year, it usually just meant for a few...

Share Direct Sales with your Children

Growing up my parents were small business owners, and when they sold their business my Mom started a career in Direct Sales.  As you work at growing your Direct Sales business, while also raising children, you may worry what affect that may have on them?  Let me share...

Take this Quick Quiz to see if you have the Superstar Mindset

One of the perks that comes from working with Superstars is the glimpse into their thought processes I get. Before I explain what I mean, here’s a quick little quiz to determine whether your mindset is helping you or hindering you. Answer truthfully – no one will know...

Stop the Summertime Blues!

Today is the first day of summer! Can you believe it? Summer to me means fun, sun, and family. It’s the time of year your life seems to really kick into high gear. Yet for most direct sales managers, summer can be a slow time. So instead of feeling like you’re firing...