Has this ever happened to you?  You’ve scheduled a call with a prospect in another state, or blocked off time for a really important training call only to have…

  1. Missed the call by an hour, or….
  2. Called too early catching them unprepared?

Well this has happened to me a time or two (blushing!) as a result I came up with a handy tool so that I never have to say “oh I’m sorry, I miscalculated the time zone difference”.

Next to my phone and calendar I keep The Golden Rule Admin_Time Zone Chart it has all the time zones in columns with the time of day below it, so for example when someone say’s “let’s have a call next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Mountain” I can quickly find that time, go across to my time zone and say “sure that’s 12:00 PM my time/Eastern”.

This simple little card has served me well in scheduling my Superstar clients, who are in just about every time zone!  Since I know you Superstars are building your teams all over the country as well I thought I’d share this great little tool with you!

You can print it out on a 5×7 card and easily scan what time zone you are in, with the time zone of the person you are scheduling with, and shine like the Superstar you are!

Please feel free to share with your friends, and tell them where you got this handly little tool.  Shine On!