You’ve worked very hard to build a successful team with your direct selling company.  Reaching the higher levels of success, meeting with prospects, supporting your team, planning events, booking meetings, keeping in touch with birthdays, filling orders, and…are you trying to do it all?  Building a strong and successful direct sales business requires YOU to do many things at once.  But as we all know all too well, when we spread ourselves too thin, and try to divide our attention across to many things, something suffers and nothing gets our full attention.  You have worked hard to build your team, but clearly there are some areas that you don’t need to be personally managing, some things that if you handed off to a trusted professional would free you up for more time doing what you do best…supporting and growing your team.

When you realize that some of the important tasks of building your business are preventing you from having the time you need to grow your business, then it’s time to call in the reinforcements – a Professional Administrative Consultant also know as a Virtual Assistant.  Just as you would support your recruits with their first party or prospect meeting so that they are not overwhelmed with all they need to learn and do, a Virtual Assistant (also referred to as a VA) can support you with the tasks of running your business so you are not overwhelmed with items that are important, but don’t necessarily require your attention to get completed.

Knowing how important building a business by the golden rule, of doing to others as you would have done to you, The Golden Rule VA will support you and provide you with professional and creative solutions, that strengthen that message of integrity and service that is key in all business.

Contact me to schedule a consultation and see how I can support you as you support your team.